


cable1Aerial Bunched Cables (ABC) is a very novel concept for Over Head power distribution. AB Cables are being designed, manufactured & tested conforming to IS: 14255, IS: 7098 (P-2) & other international specifications.


ABC can be conveniently used :

  1. In theft prone areas.
  2. As replacement of bare lines in Rural areas, in woods and in other localities & narrow streets> where the space is limited.
  3. As replacement of bare lines where reliability of supply is of prime importance.
  4. As replacement of bare lines where high degree of stability of supply voltage is of importance.
  5. In hilly terrains where cost of erection of overhead lines or under ground cable becomes very high.
  6. As reinforcement of existing system without increasing voltage.
  7. For temporary supplies.


cable3Power Cables are Designed and Manufactured With Polymer Dielectric To Bear Thermal and Thermo mechanical stresses safely at continuous normal and short circuit temperature conditions.

PVC Cables use PVC compounds that take care of overload and short circuit current with both coarse and fine protection system.

PVC Control cables of 1.5/2.5 sq. mm control cables are manufactured upto range of 61 croes as per the relevant specifications.

PVC Control cables are provided with PVC insulation as per the requirement of the process of specification.


cable4XLPE Cables are manufactured as per relevent Indian and International Standards upto and including 33 KV voltage grade.
XLPE compounds with anti-oxidants stabilizers and traces of aromatic polynuclear hydrocarbon are used, thus improving electical treeing characteristics and mechnical strength of insulation.

High Voltage Cables are produced on Latest Computer Controlled Triple Extrusion Insulating Line using Digital DC Drives and PLCs for process control.